Sunday, April 12, 2009

If I CouldChangethe Constitution

The U.S. constitution amendment that I dislike most is the second amendment;
The right to keep and bare arms.
Statistics show that children and teen gun violence is the leading cause of death in America. There are roughly 3012 teens and children that were killed due to gun fire in U.S. every year, that is 1 child every 3 hours, 8 per day and more than 50 per week. Four to five times as many children suffer from non-fatal gunfire injuries.
Sixty six fatal hunting accidents occur per year with 635 non-fatal per year in the U.S.
If people did not have the right to bear arms in the United States there would be over 3080 people that didn’t have to lose their lives due to negligence each year. The right to bear arms gives Americans the right to have a gun as long as they’re in not any known mental status or have a felony history present. Everyday people are given opportunity to knowingly or accidentally take another’s life. Anyone with a gun is a potential killer.
I believe that certain people with adequate and extensive training and knowledge should have the right to bear arms. People with jobs that require the need for a firearm should undergo a series of training courses on proper gun use and safety. Only people requiring the need for an arm should posses them; police officers, correctional officers, ect. With this kind of limitation on firearms there would still be accidents that occur yet there would also be many less lives taken each day.
The right to bear arms affects my life today because at any given time the person sitting next to me could pull out a gun and start shooting. I will always have the thought in the back of my head that anyone could potentially have a gun with them anywhere I go. Anyone with a gun has the option to shoot and possibly kill someone, most people don’t consider killing but the option is still there with a firearm in the home. In 1962 my grandfather’s brother was showing my grandfather his gun when it accidentally went off, the bullet went through his hand and into my grandmother, the bullet was a fraction of an inch from her lungs. My grandmother lived through the experience but has always informed us grandchildren of the dangers of firearms.
This specific amendment could potentially affect my future because I am not safely able to travel to the places I would love to go, such as New York City or Chicago. The reputations of these cities are terrifying. Columbia University in New York City is not an option for me because of the fear Americans embrace upon these places. In 1993 it was estimated that two million illegal guns were in circulation in New York City. Without so many guns being available for people to illegally acquire there would be a much lower gun crime rate all over America. Ninety percent of the illegal guns in New York City that year were purchased in other states.

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